Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Vegan Meyer Lemon Sorbet

Bright. Tart. Floral. Incredible. Summer.

Meyer Lemon Sorbet Recipe:

Makes 3-4 cups

1 1/4 cup meyer lemon juice
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 3/4 cup water
3/4 cup Agave syrup
zest of half meyer lemon
Garnish: mini flower buds and mint

Squeeze the lemons, strain for pulp, and reserve juice.

In a medium-sized sauce pot, combine the water with the sugar and heat until
completely dissolved. Remove from heat, and add the the lemon juices.
Refrigerate until thoroughly cool.

Add mixture to ice cream maker, freeze and churn for 20-25 minutes,
just until sorbet comes together.

Transfer mixture into desired serving container and freeze
for at least 6 hours. Garnish and serve.

Recipe via lemonfirebrigade.


  1. you share the best vegan recipes!! If only I had an ice cream maker...

    <3 Melissa

  2. Are those cutest little flowers in there? aw. Also, I've never had an ice creamer that works or I'd be all over this.

  3. That looks delicious - I love the little flowers!

